
The counselors at Notre Dame Preparatory School work with all students individually, in small groups, and in classroom settings to help them achieve academic, personal, college, and career goals. Counselors also are available to meet with parents and school staff whenever necessary. Additionally, a Wellness Specialist provides programming that supports and encourages healthy lifestyles and all aspects of wellness.

List of 5 items.

  • Upper Level Counseling

    Preparing students and families for the college selection and application process is a four-year process. During freshman year, students are assigned a Personal Counselor and a College Counselor who follow them for four consecutive years. Our Freshman Seminar class addresses topics such as the transition to high school, developing study skills, good decision making, and more.  This collaborative approach ensures that each student has the most comprehensive academic, personal, and college preparatory program available in a high school setting.
  • Middle Level Counseling

    A dedicated Middle Level Counselor meets with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in a classroom setting each week. The curriculum is discussion-based and includes topics such as adjusting to middle school, seeking academic support, discussing issues of early adolescence, managing friendships, as well as general concerns. The Middle Level Counselor is available for individual, small group, and parent meetings when needed.
  • College Counseling

    Notre Dame Prep's college counselors work to ensure that NDP students receive comprehensive assistance in the college application and decision process.

    By attending national professional conferences, seminars, and workshops, they are well informed on topics such as college admissions, financial aid, and NCAA eligibility standards. They meet regularly with high school counselors from area independent schools sharing information regarding trends in college admissions.

    Each year, our college counselors visit college campuses and meet with admission representatives to discuss current admission trends, university admissions requirements, Division I athletics, financial aid resources, and scholarship programs.

    Some programs offered by our college counselors include:

        • College preparation seminar classes for juniors and seniors
        • Grade-level evening sessions for families on college prep 
        • Workshops on essay writing, resume writing, and completing college applications
        • Comprehensive online resource portals for students and parents
        • Mini College Fairs offered in the fall open to all students 

    NDP's college counselors also belong to the following organizations:

        • National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC)
        • American School Counselors Association (ASCA), and
        • Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS)
        • Maryland School Counselors Association
  • Wellness Program

    Notre Dame Prep has a Wellness Counselor on staff who focuses on providing resources and strategies so young people can be proactive in managing their mental health. Discussions, assemblies, workshops, and various exercises are scheduled at each grade level and schoolwide throughout the school year. Wellness Days engaging all school members are organized. In addition, the Wellness Counselor works in partnership with the Physical Education Department to teach freshman health classes.
  • School Counseling Department Resources

    NDP’s School Counseling Office uses Scoir for college, career, and academic planning throughout high school. The Scoir platform allows students access to college and career information for use in seminar classes, personal meetings, and at-home investigation. In addition, parents have access to their student’s Scoir account. The School Counseling office also displays a Counseling Resource Board with information and self-serve pamphlets regarding topics of particular interest and relatability to the student population. The Counseling Newsletter is published each month with a variety of academic, social, emotional, and college counseling information for all students and parents to investigate. The School Counseling Department welcomes all students and parents with questions concerning the specific personal and college needs of each student.

Meet Our Counselors

List of 7 members.

  • Photo of Theresa St. Laurent

    Ms. Theresa St. Laurent 

    Director of Counseling
    410-825-6202 ext. 1310
  • Photo of Virginia Alderman

    Mrs. Virginia Alderman 81

    Upper Level School Counselor
    410-825-6202 ext. 1309
  • Photo of Tara DeCapite

    Mrs. Tara DeCapite 

    Wellness Specialist
    410-825-6202 ext. 1924
  • Photo of Laura Fox

    Mrs. Laura Fox 08

    Upper Level College Counselor
    410-825-6202 ext. 1307
  • Photo of Bridget Gallant

    Mrs. Bridget Gallant 

    Upper Level School Counselor
    410-825-6202 ext. 1415
  • Photo of Nicole Gedney

    Mrs. Nicole Gedney 94

    Counseling Administrative Assistant
    410-825-6202 ext. 1306
  • Photo of Bernadette Streett

    Mrs. Bernadette Streett 

    Middle Level School Counselor
    410-825-6202 ext. 1655

Notre Dame Preparatory School

An Independent, Catholic Girls School, Grades 6-12, Sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame