Advancement events provide opportunities for the community to come together to support Notre Dame Preparatory School as well as our faculty and students. Sponsoring an event provides an especially meaningful way to support the school and share with our community that you care about Notre Dame Prep. Consider sponsoring one of our many school events or becoming an All-Event Sponsor.

Please contact Colleen Driscoll, Advancement Events & Stewardship Manager, at, Laura Benjamin, Director of Alumnae Relations, at, or call us at 410-583-8797 to find out how event sponsorship can be a great value for you or your organization.

List of 4 items.

  • Blazer Dash

    Notre Dame Preparatory School's Blazer Dash started in 1997 to benefit endowed scholarships at NDP, including the Alumnae Scholarship Fund which is awarded to daughters of NDP Alumnae each year, as well many memorial scholarships established to honor special alumnae. These scholarships enable NDP to provide various grants for deserving Notre Dame students.

    Through the help of family partnerships, sponsorships, and all those who register to run or walk, NDP is able to raise vital scholarship funds, which are critical to the many families who rely on them each year to offset overall tuition expenses.

    This year, the Blazer Dash will be held on Sunday, September 29, 2024, and it will feature both a 5K race and a one-mile walk for all ages and experience levels. Both events start and finish on NDP’s campus, with mapped courses that go through the surrounding neighborhood. We expect close to 600 runners for Race Day as this is a beloved event for our alumnae, current students and families, faculty, and members of the wider Baltimore community.

    When you register for the race, you can select a scholarship of your choice to donate the proceeds of your registration. To register and help support critical scholarships at NDP, please visit our dedicated Blazer Dash registration site.

    If you are interested in learning more about the Blazer Dash and the scholarship funds it supports, please contact Lauren Benjamin, Director of Alumnae Relations, at
  • Leadership Receptions

    Members of Notre Dame Prep's Leadership Society and Young Alumnae Leadership Society are invited to NDP’s annual fall Leadership Reception, which takes place in September, and Christmas Leadership Reception, which takes place in December.

    Fiscal support for NDP's Leadership Society starts at $1,500, while the Young Alumnae Leadership Society starts at $100 for the Classes of 2021–2024, $250 for the Classes of 2015–2020, and $500 for the Classes of 2005–2014.

    If you are interested in learning more about our Leadership Receptions, please contact Colleen Driscoll, Advancement Events & Stewardship Manager, at
  • Gala

    NDP’s Gala is our signature spring fundraising event when parents, alumnae, and friends come together to celebrate NDP and to raise philanthropic dollars for our students. Save the date for our 2025 Gala, which will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025.

    Proceeds from the Gala have a significant impact on the school as well as students, faculty, and staff. Over the years, the Gala has supported many key initiatives including our Faculty & Staff Benefits Fund through the special 150th Anniversary Gift Effort, Auditorium and Foyer renovations, 21st-century learning enhancements for our students and teachers, STEAM programming, and scholarships.
    If you are interested in learning more about NDP's Gala, please contact Colleen Driscoll, Advancement Events & Stewardship Manager, at
  • Gateway Reunion

    Our Gateway Reunion brings alumnae who are marking their decade and half-decade reunions back to campus each spring to celebrate.

    This year's Gateway Alumnae Reunion, celebrating class years ending in 5 and 0 (2020, 2015, 2010, etc.), will take place on Friday, May 2, 2025, with special tribute given to the Class of 1975 who celebrate their 50th Reunion.

    On the morning of May 2, 2025, the jubilarian Class of 1975 will join us to be honored and to welcome the soon-to-be graduating Class of 2025 at our Senior Alumnae Induction Mass and Brunch.

    If you are interested in learning more about our Gateway Reunion, please contact Lauren Benjamin, Director of Alumnae Relations, at


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Colleen Driscoll

    Mrs. Colleen Driscoll 87

    Advancement Events & Stewardship Manager
    410-825-6202 ext. 1108
  • Photo of Lauren Benjamin

    Ms. Lauren Benjamin 

    Director of Alumnae Relations
    410-825-6202 ext. 1673

Notre Dame Preparatory School

An Independent, Catholic Girls School, Grades 6-12, Sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame